Software Defined Radio Design Services
Complete Radios
Zephyr built the IQ2 transceiver for iQuadLabs as a complete 500mW DDC/DUC transceiver. Modular and inexpensive, the IQ2 is a perfect way to set up an FPGA-based SDR development environment. Sporting Gigabit Ethernet and the largest Cyclone V E FPGA (301K equivalent LEs), the IQ2 has lots of communications bandwidth and FPGA resources to implement SDR features. Whatever your frequency range or FPGA requirements, Zephyr can design a custom radio to your specifications.
Custom Boards
Zephyr designed the Arrow BeMicroCVA9 with SDR specifically in mind. Used in conjunction with Zephyr’s SDRstickTM line of RF front-ends, it is perfectly suited to the role of SDR data engine. Contact Zephyr with your custom SDR requirements and let us show you what we can do!
Waveform Development
Zephyr offers consulting engineering on porting of MUOS waveforms to custom hardware platforms. If you have custom radio hardware and would like assistance porting waveforms to your hardware, please contact us.